This is the time your two-year-old is officially a toddler! They will become little sponges and more independent. Their fine and gross motor skills will also improve. They will begin to copy adults or friends, show affection for friends without prompting, might favor one hand more than the other, get excited when with other children, and play mainly side by side with other kids, but also begins to include other children in play.
At this stage we also partner with parents and assist with potty training when the child shows signs of being ready.
Some signs of potty-training readiness: copy your behavior; including bathroom habits, removing soiled diaper, telling you that his/her diaper is soiled even after they have soiled it, and if they stay dry for two hours. Please let your child’s teacher now when you are ready to begin this process.
In this classroom the toddler 2’s and 3’s is introduced to learning centers. They follow a structured daily schedule; however, our teachers are able to transition into activities that interest the children. Consistency in this classroom helps them practice and feel comfortable with their new skills and environment.
Our daily curriculum consists of a balance of activities for our toddlers which are tailored towards their developmental milestones and Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards. Some of their daily activities consist of singing songs, reading books, participating in learning centers, circle time, as well as participating in fine and gross motor activities. The educator also encourages them to make choices and help in various activities.
We believe parent involvement is very important to every child’s development, therefore we keep communication open. The educator will provide a daily report through our Parent engagement app of your toddler’s activities including pictures of your toddler and any milestones that they have reached. We will also be available to answer any question or concerns that you may have through this app as well.